Look, measure, leap, discover.

My name is Ellen Diebold and I’m a lifelong learner, traveler, introvert, and overly analytical person. I love being outside with my two dogs, Tater and Elmer, and am on my own measured journey of finding my next step and seeing some cool things along the way.

I set up this site to be able to document my journey, interviews with folks I meet along the way, and generally some pretty cool things I see and do along the trip.

Thanks for stopping by and hope this can be helpful for you in your quest for making a leap to venture out if you’re also someone who wants to do something like this and are figuring out how to get started. Anyone can do it and if you need to plan it out like me, learn from my successes and mistakes along the way!

Also, if you want a postcard from somewhere cool along the way, email me your mailing address and I’ll send you one!

Photo of the author smiling and wearing a grey sweater.